Monday, November 7, 2011

Unlock / Enable root account in Ubuntu 11.10

#1 : Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and type the command.

sudo passwd root
#2 : Then you will be asked to enter your login password, followed by the password of ROOT account (enter new UNIX password). Enter it twice, and if everything is ok, then you will get a confirmation message (look at the snapshot of terminal : below).
Unlocking Root in Ubuntu 11.10
#3 : Now, it’s the time to test root login in gui mode. To do that – simply logout from the current session and select root as user, and enter the password (entered in above step). That’s all, enjoy root mode (be careful) and return back to your normal user account as soon as possible.

Recommended Alternative ways to gain root power on Ubuntu

Since logging into root account isn’t a good way for administrative purposes, you should any of these methods (it depends on task, e.g for successive administrative task su command will be better) for tasks that requires root permission/power.

Using sudo while performing administrative tasks

The thumb of rule is that, if any command doesn’t executed with the error message then simply – append sudo in beginning and try again. Then it will ask you to enter ‘[sudo] password for user_x‘ – just enter password for user_x. By default it may remember it for next few minutes, so you won’t have to type again for next sudo command.
apt-get install some_program
=> Permission Denied
Then add sudo and try again (enter your login password, remember enter password for ),
sudo apt-get install some_program
=> get your job done! :)

su command for temporary root power

This command is almost similar to previous one but it requires root password, so root account must be enabled for this to work. To go to root mode, at terminal just type the command, followed  by root password.
bean@bean-desktop:~$ su
After entering the correct password, you will be entered into root mode and the prompt will change into (notice the # (indicates root) instead of $ (indicates user) ) -

Run nautilus with root power

If you are doing some files/directory related work then it’s very handy to start the nautilus in root mode. To do that – you can use root browser plugin in nautilus but the command is also very simple. Open terminal and type -
sudo nautilus
I hope you enjoyed reading the article, although this article has been written primarily for Ubuntu but the tips works as expected, in other Linux distros such as Fedora, Linux Mint, OpenSuse, Debian, etc. If any problem occurs or you want to share your experience – then express it through the comment. Have Fun!

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